Home Blog pc-software FCKeditor | flv flash player plugin

FCKeditor | flv flash player plugin

Popis: 2010-04-09 | pc-software FCKeditor | flv flash player plugin | Integration flv flash player plugin in FCKeditor Downloadable plugin and integration prodecude is in sourceForge.net Summary : download zipped plugin upload unziped plugin in your fc
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Pátek, 09 Duben 2010 01:00

Integration flv flash player plugin in FCKeditor

 Downloadable plugin and integration procedure is in sourceForge.net
Summary :

  1. download zipped plugin
  2. upload unziped plugin in your fckeditor folder on web /fckeditor ROOT/editor/plugins/flvPlayer/
  3. put information about new plugin in /fckeditor ROOT/fckconfig.js , put somewhere new row 
    FCKConfig.Plugins.Add( ′flvPlayer′,′en′ );
  4. put new button to FCK menu in  /fckeditor ROOT/fckconfig.js like
    FCKConfig.ToolbarSets["AdminToolbar"] = [
    [′Image′,′Flash′, ′flvPlayer′,′Table′,′Rule′,′Smiley′,′SpecialChar′,′PageBreak′],
  5. repair file paths browsing in /fckeditor ROOT/editor/plugins/flvPlayer/flvPlayer.js, replace present function OpenServerBrowser with:
    oEditor.FCKConfig.LinkBrowserWindowHeight ) ;

Thats all, you obtain new FCKeditor menu like on picture   FCKeditor-menu-flvPlayer

Aktualizováno Středa, 02 Únor 2011 12:35