Home Blog pc-software joomla | category article list | show metadesc

joomla | category article list | show metadesc

Popis: 2010-11-29 | pc-software joomla | category article list | show metadesc | Features: Set up in joomla php files: Pictures: /components/com_content/views/ category/tmp/default_items.php
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Blog - pc-software
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Pondělí, 29 Listopad 2010 01:00

How to show column metadesc in category article list.


  • show You how and where in Joomla 1.5.21 change default list view

Set up in joomla php files:
This setting may be removed with next jomla core update
in this file,

DOWNLOAD default_items.php.zip



Aktualizováno Středa, 08 Únor 2012 14:54