Home Blog SEO tcladin.cz performance 2011-03-29

tcladin.cz performance 2011-03-29

Popis: tcladin.cz performance 2011-03-29, joomlaperformance.com, Total Results, HTTP Requests, Size bytes,Time seconds
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Úterý, 29 Březen 2011 00:32

Test proveden na joomlaperformance .com

The Performance Grader
By JoomlaPerformance.com
Results For http://tcladin.cz
Total ResultsTotal HTTP Requests: 92
Total Size: 414950 bytes
Total Time: 31.115648 seconds

Object TotalsType Number Size(bytes) Time (secs)
HTML 1 8691 31.115648
Images 76 139023 23.899405
Css 7 36309 2.439102
Scripts 8 230927 3.653293
Frames 0 n/a n/a
IFrames 0 n/a n/a

* Frames and IFrames are included in the HTML size and time

HTML Request InformationType This Connection Average Of All Sites
DNS lookup took: 0.349904 seconds 0.42108727571752
Connection took: 0.482081 seconds 0.51302830026675
Generation took: 0.377167 seconds 1.6715416989822
Download Speed: 7733 bytes/second


GradesType Your Value Recomnded Value Grade
HTML Size 8kb 40kb Pass
Total Size 405kb 100kb Fail
Total Requests 92 30 Fail
Generation Time 0.377167 1 second Pass
Number Of Hosts 4 2 Warning
Number Of Images 76 25 Fail
Size Of Images 136kb 20kb Fail
Number Of CSS Files 7 2 Fail
Size Of CSS Files 35kb 10kb Fail
Number Of Script Files 8 2 Fail
Size Of Script Files 226kb 10kb Fail
HTML Encoding Gzip Gzip Pass
Valid Html Errors Valid Fail
Frames 0 0 Pass

Aktualizováno Středa, 19 Říjen 2011 14:11